Dear Barb,


Dear Barb,

Remember that time that I laughed at you because you kept changing chairs looking for the air conditioner? You said you needed the coolest spot in the building because of your hot flashes.

I laughed.

I am now officially apologizing via social media aka blogosphere.

I am sincerely, honestly, ashamed that I laughed at you. I had no idea how miserable it truly is.

Please forgive me.


Yep, true story. I had no idea, NO IDEA how awful these flashes and night sweats could be. I bought another fan for the bedroom. Yes, ANOTHER. I have the ceiling fan on all the time but it wasn’t enough so now I have a tall fan blowing directly on my face only about two feet away. It doesn’t really keep me cool, but it does help dry me off when I have the night sweats.

So between the night sweats, the hot flashes, the sweaty clothes and armpits, the extreme heat (for our region) and lack of air conditioning in the apartment, I am truly a hot mess.

Just one more fan should do it.


  1. ladieswholunchreviews · June 8, 2016

    I feel for you, babe! Is there nothing the doc can recommend to help you?

    Liked by 1 person

    • breidengale · June 9, 2016

      they said that I could take an anti-depressent but I would rather not take it. It may help with the hot flashes and nights sweats but I know it does other things to your body and mind. When I have my ovaries out the doctor said there are some natural safe things I could take but I have to wait until the surgery. I can’t have soy or any type of estrogen. My cancer is estrogen feed :/ so I just complain a lot instead πŸ˜‰ ❀

      Liked by 1 person

      • ladieswholunchreviews · June 9, 2016

        Oh, I dont blame you. I have mostly night sweats but they can be so aggravating! Hope it gets better soon!! ❀

        Liked by 1 person

      • breidengale · June 9, 2016

        me too! very aggravating….down right annoying..


  2. jacquelineobyikocha · June 15, 2016

    That sounds really hot and uncomfortable. Hope it passes over in a flash.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. forkwardthinkingfoodinista · June 15, 2016

    Hi, Fab blog! sorry to hear though πŸ™‚ I have just set up mine, but still in the very early stages – a few months old. Just making efforts to link in with fellow bloggers to improve our followers and get the word out there for us both. I would appreciate you having a peek at my blog, as I have published several posts. Feel free to like, comment, follow or just take a peek. Thank you πŸ™‚


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